Shijiazhuang Ideal Auto Parts Co., Ltd.

ADR: No.8 Two Rd.,Zhizhao Industrial Park, Gaocheng District,Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Prov.China.
Sales Department Contact:Fu, Xiao Peng


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Oiling Grooves Type and its Characteristics

Source:Shijiazhuang ideal Auto Parts Co., Ltd.    Uploaded:2013年11月16日    Views:  times

Oiling Grooves Type and its Characteristics

  1. Spiral grooves, big pitch of screw is made on the internal surface to reserve and distribute lubricating oil, easy to manufacture and apply to axial movement mechanism.

  2. 8-shape oiling grooves, has been used for loader and some excavator for long time, and has good oiling effects.

  3. Cross-shape oiling grooves, its oil reserving ability and using effects is better than 8-shape oiling grooves, now it is largely used on excavator industry.

  4. Dual-circle oiling grooves, original creation of our company, its oil reserving ability and using effects and loading area is two times as 8-shape oiling grooves' .

  5. Trip-circle oiling grooves, original creation of our company, its oil reserving ability and using effects and loading area is better than four cross-shape oiling grooves' . It fulfills the heavy duty machine' requirements.

  6. Oiling pits, its advantage is,

  A. Oil reserve ability is 3-5 times as other type oiling grooves and last long time without maintenance.

  B. The bearing's loading ability has almost not reduced with the oiling pits, so the bearing's using life is improved.

  C. Every row oiling pits naturally forms wedge-shape oiling angle to fast oil contact surface(See oiling wedge-shape sketch).

  It can oil all the contact surface with a little turning action.

Shijiazhuang, the ideal Auto Parts Co. , Ltd.   Add:No.8 Two Rd.,Zhizhao Industrial Park, Gaocheng District,Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Prov.China.
  TEL:0311-89230108 Mail:052164 Sales Department Contact: MR.fu Telephone:13933083306